We all know that soil nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing yield potential, which is why it's important to have a good set of data across fields to ensure the right nutrients get replaced. Zooming out and looking at agronomic data across an entire farm can be incredibly insightful in benchmarking where your fields are at.
Where some fields are ahead of others nutrition-wise or where some fields are lacking, you might be able to spot or prevent costly fertilizer mistakes such as missed applications or putting down more fertilizer than necessary.

Collecting standardized data from actuals
When creating digital farm records in Agworld, users can choose from a list of inputs such as fertilizer or herbicide from Agworld's leading standardized database. That means that key agronomic information such as active ingredients, herbicide groups and nutrition automatically get rolled up into a field-level snapshot in real-time, just from adding inputs to an actual.
As-applied nutrition insights
To date, nutrition insights such as as-applied N, P, K, S have been available on individual field snapshots or via custom reports. But after receiving feedback from customers wanting a simple way to combine as-applied nutrient insights into a single, concise summary for better benchmarking, Agworld has released the newest standard report: 'Nutrient As-Applied'.

This report breaks down as-applied nutrition from a selected season based on actuals. Here's what's included:
- Field name
- Crop
- Nutrients (macronutrients and micronutrients)
- As-applied amount in lbs/ac
Any Agworld user with a paid subscription can run this report under 'standard reports' on the website. For a step-by-step guide on how to run it, click here to access the Agworld help center.
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We are confident that this new nutrition report will make it easier for growers and agronomists when it comes to making decisions on field nutrition across an entire farm. There are also plenty of other reporting tools to help you answer almost any question you might have based on your Agworld data, so please don't hesitate to reach out to the Agworld Customer Success team for more information!