With the 2022 season in full swing now, the fields, orchards and vineyards are busy with growers and their (seasonal) staff taking care of the crops. Some operations like spraying and cultivating don't require a large labor force, but other tasks such as pruning and thinning in orchards require a lot of staff to work in the orchard outside of the protection of a tractor cab. While this labor force is working in the field, growers and farm or orchard managers have to make sure that they are safe and not exposed to chemicals that are potentially harmful; for large operations and those running large seasonal labor crews that aren't familiar with the farm, this can be a challenge!
In order to help farming operations with this challenge, we have recently added three new 'standard reports' to Agworld that all focus on worker protection:
- Active re-entry intervals (The 'Do Not Enter' report)
- Last 30 days of applications
- Upcoming applications - next 7 days

All products in these reports are listed with their respective national or state registration number. Data for the selected fields from all 'actuals' is used for the 'Do Not Enter' and 'Last 30 days' reports. Data from plans, recommendations and work orders is used to populate the 'Upcoming applications' report."
Any Agworld user with a paid subscription can run this report, which can be found under 'standard reports' on the Agworld website.
Many growers that I work with in California have requested these reports, and so I'm confident that these new reports will be very well received and see a lot of use throughout the season. Being able to create accurate reports with this critical data for anyone in the field that doesn't have access to the Agworld app, creates another layer of safety for everyone involved. Those farm workers that do have access to Agworld can of course still access re-entry interval data via the map on the mobile apps like you have been, but we recognize that many seasonal workers don't have access to Agworld, and feel that this is a quick and easy way to provide these workers with the same information.
For more detailed information and a 'how to' guide, you can reference this help article.